Transcending the 'Academic' Classroom: Student Driven Learning
Recently I came across an opinion piece featured on KQED News, affiliated with NPR and PBS, entitled Why Academic Teaching Doesn't Help Kids Excel in Life. Uh oh... I was instantly hooked.
Author, educator Shelley Wright, pens the post originally for the plp network blog that explains that though content is important, how we teach content may be crucial to student success. Wright argues the loss of curiosity in the classroom is detrimental to propelling our students on a fruitful life path. Wright makes the clear distinction of utilizing content to teach, rather than teaching content. The idea is that in magnifying the process, students are given an opportunity to develop an understanding for the importance of curiosity and the fruitfulness of failure, and a passion for learning,
Wright writes-
"School should be a place where kids can discover what they love. They should be able to ask the questions that matter to them and pursue the answers. They should discover what they are passionate about, what truly sets their hearts and souls on fire. They should discover they can make a difference now. Above all, they should leave school knowing what they are good at."
The answer appears to be simple: A student driven learning environment. It may seem too broad to master, but I am finding many educators are doing this, or have room to do this-without even knowing it!
Student control of learning can be exercised regardless of grade level
Wright gives 3 questions that drive her practice in the post:
What are you going to learn?
How are you going to learn it?
How are you going to show me you’re learning?
Students must answer these questions regardless of content/topic. This exact approach/understanding may be differentiated for all abilities-it is not totally out of reach. A modification could be the KWL chart with student choice projects for an assessment. The opportunities are endless! What matters is that student control of learning is exercised. Our support of students in the process of learning-the 'how' and 'why', rather than the 'what' may be the only way to ensure future success.
How are you doing this with your students? I would love to hear about your experience and with your permission-share it!
& if you're interested....
Shelley Wright's The Power of Student Driven Learning